The Gladstone Region Community will come together in May to co-design the measurement framework that will be used to monitor local wellbeing and assess the wellbeing improvement outcomes achieved by community through Gladstone Region engaging in action Together (GRT).
Participants of the open invitation workshop will collectively identify indicators and data sets to measure wellbeing in our local context and co-design the measurement framework that will be used to monitor progress and evaluate outcomes of the community-designed Gladstone Region Wellbeing Action Plan.
Participants will share knowledge and experience and grow collective capacity in the use of data to create improved outcomes for families and children of the Gladstone Region.
Key learning outcomes:
· Using measurement to evaluate progress and performance
· Establish shared data language and terminology
· Using the Gladstone Region Wellbeing Data Hub to monitor local trends for responsive action
· Design the measurement framework to evaluate local outcomes
· Imagine Gladstone’s future data story

The Gladstone Region Wellbeing Data Hub is a community built and owned public data resource to support evidence-based practice. The Data Hub offers the potential to evidence local needs, monitor social trends and impacts, track improvements, and demonstrate local outcomes towards improved wellbeing.
Workshop participants will have an opportunity to increase understanding of how the Data Hub can be used to support monitoring, measurement and evaluation of program outcomes and local investments to support local priorities.
Local organisations already report using the Data Hub as a resource to evidence community needs in funding applications and report writing. The next evolution of the Data Hub offers to make the work of sector easier in the design of successful supports to meet community needs.
Supported by Here for Gladstone, the social investment fund for Rio Tinto Yarwun, Boyne Smelters Limited, and Queensland Alumina Limited, the Data Hub enables community to access data on topics of significance for our community.
Register today to participate in the workshop and have your say on how local outcomes are measured and help shape Gladstone’s future data story.
Gladstone Region Wellbeing Data Hub – Social Wellbeing Measurement Workshop
9am – 12pm
Wednesday 17 May 2023
CQUniversity – Gladstone Marina Campus
Please register your interest by contacting GRT
P: 07 4970 7382