Invitations are extended to join the Gladstone Region Wellbeing Data and Evaluation Working Group to measure the impact of our community’s collective efforts in shifting the dial for improved wellbeing in the region.

The Working Group will facilitate quarterly reviews, as part of an annual evaluation cycle, analysing data, interpreting findings and drawing out insights to assess whether investment is making a difference where it’s needed, and is providing sufficient return on investment.
The working group will help answer key evaluation questions recently designed by community members (Gladstone Region Wellbeing Data and Evaluation Workshop – September 2024), to measure outcomes of community-led action through change projects included in the community-designed Gladstone Region Wellbeing Action Plan.
Gladstone Region Wellbeing Data and Evaluation Workshop – September 2024
Community members interested in working with others to measure change towards improved wellbeing in our local community, are invited to contact GRT to express interest to join the Working Group by Monday 29 October 2024.
All levels of data and evaluation experience and knowledge are welcome.
Working Group Induction and Inaugural Meeting
The first Working Group meeting will be held Thursday 21 November 2024.
To grow shared understanding and language together, members will participate in two induction workshops prior to the first meeting. Induction dates and agendas outlined below.
Completion of all induction components is a requirement of Working Group participation.
Induction Workshop 1: In-Person
12:30pm-3:00pm Wednesday 30 October 2024.
Working Group introductions.
Working Group purpose, roles and terms of reference.
Scope and parameters of quarterly and annual evaluation cycles.
Readiness for Evaluation - definitions and data dictionary.
Induction Workshop 2: Virtual
9:00am-12:00pm Thursday 7 November 2024.
Existing data resources - Gladstone Region Wellbeing Data Hub.
Define evaluation methodology.
Understanding, Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (UMEL) Strategy deep dive.
Be part of the Working Group, please contact GRT:
P: 07 4970 7382
GRT also encourages those with data expertise interested in supporting the work in Gladstone to get in touch as a network of critical friends is being formed.